[Osaka, Japan] Meters up in a Giant Ferris Wheel by the bay

A view of the bay area from side to bottom up a transparent gondola  – 10.03.15

After this make-believe underwater in OSAKA AQUARIUM KAIYUKAN is this ride up in the air on a ferris wheel with lights that predict the weather the following day –which that night was red orange, a sign of a sun the next day.

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[Osaka, Japan] ~ Meters down at Kaiyukan

When you can’t go around the world, go (up) around an aquarium first  – 10.03.15

Closest I could get to sea during this trip was at the bay area where encountered many kinds of fish in an aquarium as big as a building best enjoyed by spiraling down eight floors of giant tanks. Though I wish one day I could swim with you in the open sea, sight between you and who-knows-how-thick glass was enough to make me all this panicky taking as many pictures as I could, my favorites shared as you click more.


Continue reading [Osaka, Japan] ~ Meters down at Kaiyukan